Sep 4, 2014 | Epson, Epson Printer Inkjet Deskjet
Printer EPSON Printer L1800 L1800 ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mencetak tanpa bingkai, gambar berkualitas foto hingga A3 + dalam ukuran. Ini memberikan reproduksi warna yang superior untuk foto besar, grafis dan lebih untuk mencapai kesan terbaik pada audiens Anda....
Sep 4, 2014 | Epson, Epson Printer Inkjet Deskjet
Printer EPSON Inkjet Photo L800 e Epson L800 is the world’s first branded photo printer with an integrated ink tank system that gives you high volume prints at the lowest running cost. Platform Photo Inkjet Metode Cetak InkJet Teknologi Cetak On-demand ink jet...
Sep 4, 2014 | Epson, Epson Printer Inkjet Deskjet
Printer EPSON Stylus Photo 1390 Spesifikasi : Platform Business InkJet Metode Cetak InkJet Teknologi Cetak On-demand ink jet (piezoelectric) Maks. Besaran Kertas A3+ Maks. Resolusi 5760 Effective Print Resolution 5760 x 1440 optimised dpi using RPM technology...
Sep 4, 2014 | Epson, Epson Printer Inkjet Deskjet
Printer EPSON WorkForce WF-7011 The WorkForce WF-7011 printer with Micro Piezo™ print head takes you beyond the limits of A3 to produce stunning printouts for spreadsheets, newsletters, posters, charts and diagrams at A3+ size. Built-in networking and easy-to-use...
Sep 4, 2014 | Epson, Epson Printer Inkjet Deskjet
Printer EPSON Printer L1300 Prints Up to A3+ With the L1300, you have the option to print larger documents up to A3+ size. This opens up possibilities for superior presentations of detailed CAD drawings, floor plans, business reports and charts that go beyond the...