Oct 8, 2014 | Rack Server HP
HP 11842 1200mm Pallet Universal Rack (H6J69A) Are you looking for a data center rack enclosure offering all the latest innovations at a reasonable price? Developed for the modern data center on a budget, the HP 11000 G2 Series Rack provides the innovations you need...
Oct 6, 2014 | Rack Server Asterix
Asterix 24″ 40U (RF24040-11) – Rack Server Asterix Rack Asterix 24″ 40U RF24040-11 40U dept 1100mm c/w doors
Oct 6, 2014 | Rack Server Asterix
Asterix 24″ 42U (RF24042-11) – Rack Server Asterix Rack Asterix 24″ 42U RF24042-11 42U dept 1100mm c/w doors
Sep 10, 2014 | Rack Server
Fungsi dan Deskripsi Rack Server Rack Server adalah rack yang di desain khusus sebagai tempat penempatan server termasuk peralatan network seperti Switch, Firewall, dan lain-lain. Rack Server juga digunakan agar jalur kabel network di dalam ruang server dapat tersusun...