Nov 26, 2024 | Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, Adobe Adverstising Cloud, Adobe Analytics, Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Campaign, Adobe Character Animator, Adobe Creative, Adobe Creative Cloud Express, Adobe Dimension, Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe InCopy, Adobe Real-Time CDP, Assure iTERA, Audisi Adobe, AUTODESK, Baterai UPS, Battery Vision, Bitdefender, Cloud Native, CPillar, Customer Experience, Digital Solutions, Easy UPS, EX3, HCL Accelerate, HCL AppScan, HCL Commerce, HCL Compass, HCL Connections, HCL Digital Experience, HCL Domino, HCL Launch, HCL Leap, HCL Notes, HCL Now, HCL OneTest, HCL RTist, HCL Sametime, HCL SOFTWARE, HCL SoFy, HCL Unica, HCL Verse, HCL Version Vault, HCL Volt MX, Media & Entertainment, Platform Components and Tools, precisely Connect, precisely Syncsort, Product Design & Manufacturing, Products & Services, RocPlane, RocSupport, RS2, RSData, Secure Devops, Security and Automation, Settle3, Software METSIM, SoftwareTSplus, SWedge, UnWedge, UPS
Battery Vision, 12V, 200Ah – 6FM200-X Spesifikasi Battery Vision, 12V, 200Ah – 6FM200-X Nominal Voltage 12V Number of cell 6 Design Life 10 years Nominal Capacity 77℉(25℃) 10 hour rate (10.0A, 10.8V) 200Ah 5 hour rate (16.6A, 10.5V) 180Ah 1 hour rate...
May 18, 2022 | Software, Software METSIM
METSIM Dianggap sebagai standar industri, METSIM ® adalah perangkat lunak simulasi terkemuka di dunia untuk proses teknik metalurgi dan kimia. Dengan akses penuh ke bahasa pemrograman (APL) tidak ada batasan untuk METSIM ® , selain yang diberlakukan oleh sistem...