gambar Printer epson ecotank l15160

Printer epson ecotank l15160

Epson memiliki berbagai pilihan printer Multifungsi, proyektor data dan home theater, serta printer POS dan solusi pencetakan format besar.

Seiko Epson Corporation, atau Epson, merupakan sebuah perusahaan multinasional yang menghasilkan berbagai macam produk elektronik. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 1942. Bermarkas di Suwa, Nagano, Jepang.

Di indonesia sendiri produk keluaran Epson yang populer adalah printer atau mesin pencetak. Salah satu keunggulan dari printer epson adalah kualitas cetaknya yang bagus, usia pakainya yang tahan lama, harga tintanya lebih hemat dan layanan purna jual epson seperti suku cadang serta service center yang tersedia.

Epson EcoTank L15160 A3 Wi-Fi Duplex Printer Tangki Tinta All-in-One


Dengan mempertimbangkan bisnis Anda, Epson EcoTank L15160 dibuat untuk memastikan biaya yang lebih rendah untuk pencetakan dan pemindaian dupleks, hingga ukuran A3. Menggunakan tinta pigmen terbaru, DURABrite ET INK memberi Anda hasil cetak yang tajam, jernih, dan tahan lama serta tahan air. Dirancang agar ringkas, L15160 dapat dengan mudah masuk ke kantor Anda dengan tapaknya yang kecil. Dalam hal memberikan kualitas dan penghematan biaya, kami langsung membahas detailnya.

– Kecepatan cetak hingga 25,0 ipm
– Mencetak hingga A3+ (untuk simpleks)
– Pencetakan dupleks otomatis
– Hasil halaman ultra-tinggi dari 7.500 halaman (hitam) dan 6.000 halaman (berwarna)
– Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Langsung, Ethernet
– Epson Connect (Epson iPrint, Epson Email Print dan Remote Print Driver, Scan to Cloud)

Teknologi Bebas Panas Epson
Dapatkan pencetakan kecepatan tinggi dengan konsumsi daya yang lebih rendah dengan Teknologi Bebas Panas Epson karena tidak memerlukan panas selama proses pengeluaran tinta. Tingkatkan produktivitas untuk bisnis Anda dengan Epson EcoTank L15160 sambil berbuat lebih banyak untuk lingkungan.

Pencetakan Kecepatan Tinggi yang Konsisten
Dengan teknologi printhead PrecisionCore kami, kantor yang sibuk dengan volume cetak tinggi akan menghargai kecepatan cetak cepat yang konsisten hingga 32,0 ppm untuk draft dan 25,0 ipm (simpleks) untuk cetakan standar pada L15160.

Konsumsi Daya Rendah
Tidak seperti printer laser, tidak ada unit fuser untuk memanaskan, lebih sedikit daya yang dikonsumsi oleh L15160. Selain itu, waktu pengoperasian printer dan konsumsi listrik dapat dioptimalkan karena tidak ada penundaan yang disebabkan oleh akumulasi panas di kepala cetak.

Penghematan & Hasil Halaman yang Luar Biasa
Jangan berkompromi dengan biaya saat Anda mencetak. Dengan L15160, Anda akan dapat menghemat biaya karena setiap set tinta botol memiliki hasil sangat tinggi yaitu 7.500 halaman untuk hitam dan 6.000 halaman untuk warna. Dengan lebih sedikit bahan habis pakai dan suku cadang pengganti di L15160, penghematan tambahan dapat dimungkinkan.

Lebih Sedikit Pemeliharaan dengan Penurunan Waktu Henti
Karena struktur Bebas Panas yang sederhana dari L15160, ada lebih sedikit bagian yang dapat gagal, yang meminimalkan jumlah intervensi yang diperlukan. Hasilnya, ia menawarkan peningkatan keandalan dan pengurangan waktu henti secara signifikan.

Tinta DURABrite ET
Dapatkan hasil cetakan yang tajam, jernih, dan tahan air dengan tinta pigmen 4 warna baru, yang sempurna untuk pencetakan bisnis.

Desain hemat-ruang, Isi Ulang Bebas Tumpahan
Ringkas dan ramping, desain tangki baru terintegrasi ke dalam printer untuk memungkinkan printer memiliki footprint kecil. Selain itu, nosel botol yang unik memungkinkan pengisian ulang yang bebas tumpahan dan bebas kesalahan.

Konektivitas Jaringan dan Kemampuan Standalone
Selain dilengkapi dengan Ethernet, nikmati dunia kenyamanan nirkabel dengan akses ke pencetakan bersama dan pencetakan seluler yang mudah dan fleksibel. Keuntungan tambahan dari Wi-Fi Direct memungkinkan Anda untuk menghubungkan hingga 8 perangkat ke printer tanpa router.

Epson Connect Diaktifkan
Cetak dokumen Anda secara nirkabel dari mana saja di dunia dengan berbagai fitur Epson Connect:

– Epson iPrint
Cetak dari dan pindai langsung ke perangkat pintar Anda atau layanan penyimpanan cloud online.

– Cetak Email Epson
Cetak ke printer Epson yang mendukung Cetak Email dari perangkat atau PC apa pun dengan akses email.

– Driver Cetak Jarak Jauh
Cetak ke printer Epson yang kompatibel di mana saja di dunia melalui Internet menggunakan PC dengan driver Remote Print.

– Pindai ke Cloud
Dengan koneksi internet, pindai dan kirim gambar ke alamat email yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya atau akun layanan penyimpanan cloud populer langsung dari panel kontrol printer Epson.

Printer multifungsi
Printer A3 all-in-one L15160 memberi pengguna kenyamanan tambahan untuk fungsi pindai, salin, dan faks dengan pengumpan dokumen otomatis 50 lembar.

Garansi Epson untuk Ketenangan Pikiran
Nikmati cakupan garansi di tempat hingga 2 tahun atau 80.000 cetakan, mana saja yang lebih dulu, untuk nilai maksimum dari printer Anda dan bebas dari kekhawatiran atas perawatannya. Garansi Epson mencakup cakupan printhead, yang paling penting untuk printer yang dirancang untuk pencetakan volume tinggi.

==== English ====

Epson EcoTank L15160 A3 Wi-Fi Duplex All-in-One Ink Tank Printer


With your business in mind, Epson EcoTank L15160 is built to ensure lower costs for duplex printing and scanning, up to A3 size. Using the latest pigment ink, DURABrite ET INK gives you sharp, clear and durable prints that are water-resistant. Designed to be compact, L15160 can fit into your office easily with its small footprint. When it comes to delivering quality and cost savings, we go right down to the details.

– Print speed of up to 25.0 ipm
– Prints up to A3+ (for simplex)
– Automatic duplex printing
– Ultra-high page yield of 7,500 pages (black) and 6,000 pages (colour)
– Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Direct, Ethernet
– Epson Connect (Epson iPrint, Epson Email Print and Remote Print Driver, Scan to Cloud)

Epson Heat-Free Technology
Achieve high speed printing at lower power consumption with Epson Heat-Free Technology as no heat is required during the ink ejection process. Increase productivity for your business with Epson’s EcoTank L15160 while doing a little more for the environment.

Consistent High Speed Printing
With our PrecisionCore printhead technology, busy offices with high print volume will appreciate the consistent fast print speeds up to 32.0 ppm for draft and 25.0 ipm (simplex) for standard prints on L15160.

Low Power Consumption
Unlike laser printers, there is no fuser unit to heat, less power is consumed by L15160. Also, printer operating time and electricity consumption can be optimised as there are no delays caused by accumulated heat in the printhead.

Superb Savings & Page Yield
Don’t compromise on cost as you print. With L15160, you’ll be able to save costs as each set of bottle inks has an ultra-high yield of 7,500 for black and 6,000 pages for colour. With less consumables and replacement parts in L15160, additional savings can be made possible.

Less Maintenance with Decreased Downtime
Due to the simple Heat-Free structure of L15160, there are fewer parts that can fail, which minimises the amount of intervention required. As a result, it offers improved reliability and significantly reduced downtime.

DURABrite ET Ink
Get printouts that are sharp, clear and water-resistant with the new 4-color pigment inks, which is perfect for business printing.

Space-saving Design, Spill-free Refilling
Compact and sleek, the new tank design is integrated into the printer to allow the printer to have a small footprint. Additionally, the unique bottle nozzle enables spill-free and error-free refilling.

Network Connectivity and Standalone Capability
Besides being equipped with Ethernet, experience a world of wireless convenience with access to easy and flexible shared printing and mobile printing. The added advantage of Wi-Fi Direct allows you to connect up to 8 devices to the printer without a router.

Epson Connect Enabled
Wirelessly print your documents from anywhere in the world with Epson Connect’s wide range of features:

– Epson iPrint
Print from and scan directly to your smart device or online cloud storage services.

– Epson Email Print
Print to any Email Print-enabled Epson printer from any device or PC with email access.

– Remote Print Driver
Print to a compatible Epson printer anywhere in the world via the Internet using a PC with Remote Print driver.

– Scan to Cloud
With an internet connection, scan and send images to preset email addresses or an account of popular cloud storage services directly from an Epson printer’s control panel.

Multi-functional Printer
The all-in-one A3 printer L15160 gives users the added convenience of scan, copy and fax functions with a 50-sheet automatic document feeder.

Epson Warranty for Peace of Mind
Enjoy on-site warranty coverage of up to 2 years or 80,000 prints, whichever comes first, for maximum value from your printer and freedom from worries over its maintenance. Epson’s warranty includes coverage of printhead, which is most important for a printer designed for high volume printing.

Specifications epson ecotank l15160

Printer Type:
Printer Type: Print, Scan, Copy, Fax with ADF

Print Speed:
– Photo Default – 10 x 15 cm / 4 x 6 ” *1: Approx. 26 sec per photo (Border) / 27 sec per photo (Borderless)*2
– Draft, A4 (Black / Colour): Up to 32.0 ppm / 32.0 ppm *2
– ISO 24734, A4 Simplex (Black / Colour): Up to 25.0 ipm / 25.0 ipm *2
– ISO 24734, A4 Duplex (Black / Colour): Up to 21.0 ipm / 21.0 ipm *2
– ISO 24734, A3 Simplex (Black / Colour): Up to 13.5 ipm / 13.5 ipm *2
– ISO 24734, A3 Duplex (Black / Colour): Up to 10.0 ipm / 10.0 ipm *2

– ISO 29183, A4 Simplex Flatbed (Black / Colour): Up to 23.0 ipm / 23.0 ipm
– ISO 24735, A4 Simplex ADF (Black / Colour): Up to 22.5 ipm / 22.5 ipm
– ISO 24735, A4 Duplex ADF (Black / Colour): Up to 19.0 ipm / 19.0 ipm

Copy Function:
– Reduction / Enlargement: 25 – 400%
– Maximum Copy Size: A3
– Copy Resolution: 600 x 600 dpi
– Max Copies: 999 copies

– Scanner Type: Flatbed colour image scanner
– Sensor Type: CIS
– Optical Resolution: 1200 x 2400 dpi
– Maximum Scan Area: 297 x 431.8 (mm)
– Scanner Bit Depth (Colour): 48-bit input, 24-bit output
– Scanner Bit Depth (Grayscale): 16-bit input, 8-bit output
– Scanner Bit Depth (Black & White): 16-bit input, 1-bit output

Scan Speed:
– Scan Speed (Flatbed / ADF (Simplex | Duplex)):
200dpi, Black: 5 sec / Up to 26.0 ipm | 11.5 ipm
200dpi, Colour: 10 sec / Up to 9.0 ipm | 6.0 ipm

Fax Function:
– Type Of Fax: Walk-up Black-and-white and Colour Fax Capability
– Receive Memory / Page Memory:
— 6MB, Page memory
— Up to 550 pages
– Error Correction Mode: ITU-T T.30
– Fax Speed (Data Transfer Rate): Up to 33.6 kbps, Approx. 3 sec/page
– Fax Resolution: Up to 200 x 200 dpi
– Transmission Paper Size (Flatbed): A5, A4, A3, B5, B4, Half Letter, Letter, Legal, 11 x 17″
– Transmission Paper Size (ADF): A5, A4, A3, B5, B4, Half Letter, Letter, Legal, 11 x 17″
– Receiving Paper Size: Half Letter, A5, B5, A4, Letter, Legal, B4, 11 x 17”, A3, A3+
– Speed Dial / Group Dial: Up to 200 numbers, 199 groups
– Fax Features:
PC Fax (Transmission/Receive), Automatic Redial, Address book, Broadcast Fax (Mono Only), Transmit Reservation, Polling Reception, Fax Preview, Memory reception, Fax to Email, Fax to Folder, Automatic 2-sided Fax

Card Slot / USB Host Function:
– Type of Direct Printing: USB Memory

Paper Handling:
– Number of Paper Trays: 3 (Front 2, Rear 1)
– Standard Paper Input Capacity:
Rear Slot: 50 sheets for A4 Plain paper (80 g/m2), 20 sheets for Premium Glossy Photo Paper
Cassette 1: 250 sheets for A4 Plain paper (80g/m2)
Cassette 2: 250 sheets for A4 Plain paper (80 g/m2)
50 sheets for Premium Glossy Photo Paper

– Output Capacity:
125 sheets for A4 Plain paper (80 g/m2), 20 sheets for Premium Glossy Photo Paper

– Maximum Paper Size: 329 x 6000 mm
– Paper Sizes:
A3, Super B (13 x 19″), Indian Legal, Letter, A4, 16K (195 x 270mm), 8K (270 x 390mm), Executive (7.25 x 10.5″), B4, B5, A5, B6, A6, 8.5 x 13″, 5 x 7″, 4 x 6″, 8 x 10″, Legal (8.5 x 14″), 16:9 wide, Envelopes: #10, DL, C6, C4
– Paper Feed Method: Friction feed
– Print Margin: 3mm top, left, right, bottom via custom settings in printer driver

– USB: USB 2.0
– Network: Ethernet, Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct
– Network Protocol: TCP/IPv4, TCP/IPv6
– Network Management Protocols:

Mobile and Cloud Solutions:
– Epson Connect Features: Epson iPrint, Epson Email Print, Remote Print Driver, Scan to Cloud
– Other Mobile Solutions: Apple AirPrint, Mopria Print Service

Control Panel:
– LCD Screen: 4.3″ Colour LCD Touch Screen

Printer Software:
– Software Support: Epson ScanSmart

– Rated Voltage: AC 220 – 240 V
– Rated Frequency: 50 – 60 Hz
– Power Consumption:
Sleep: 0.9 W
Operating: 18.0 W
Power off: 0.2 W
Standby: 9.7 W

Noise Level:
– PC Printing / Plain Paper Default *3:
Sound Power (Black / Colour) 6.8 B(A) / 6.7 B(A), Sound Pressure (Black / Colour) 52 dB(A)

– Maintenance Box:
– Pigment Black Ink Bottle:
7,500 pages *4 – 008 (C13T06G100 / C13T06G199 (Indonesia))
– Pigment Cyan Ink Bottle:
6000 pages (Composite Yield) *4 – 008 (C13T06G200 / C13T06G299 (Indonesia))
– Pigment Magenta Ink Bottle:
6000 pages (Composite Yield) *4 – 008 (C13T06G300 / C13T06G399 (Indonesia))
– Pigment Yellow Ink Bottle :
6000 pages (Composite Yield) *4 – 008 (C13T06G400 / C13T06G499 (Indonesia))

Dimensions and Weight:
– Dimensions (W x D x H): 515 x 500 x 350mm
– Weight: 21.0kg

Printing Technology:
– Print Method: PrecisionCoreTM Printhead
– Minimum Ink Droplet Volume: 3.8 pl
– Print Direction: Bi-directional printing
– Nozzle Configuration: 800 x 1 nozzles each (Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow)
– Maximum Resolution: 4800 x 2400 dpi
– Automatic 2-sided Printing: Yes (up to A3)

ADF Specifications:
– Support Paper Thickness: 64-95 g/m2
– Paper Capacity: 50 sheets

Supported OS and Applications:
– Supported OS:
Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10, Windows Server 2003 / 2008 / 2012 / 2016 / 2019
Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later

Important Keys :
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